If you’re a new WitE2 player and want to make some changed in the scenarios, your first stop is probably the unit tab in the editor. Make sure you know how to set up your own scenario first by reading through the WitE2 main tab details. It’s worth noting that currently, units are one of the few things that you can edit without touching generic data, which is shared across all scenarios (though there’s an update in the works to change that).
In this WitE2 guide, we will go through the details of the Unit tab. If you are familiar with these already, you might want to check out our guide on a faster way to add new units. Adding new units is not as easy as it sounds, given that there are plenty of different factors and details at play. Lucky for you, we go through everything in detail here. Do notice though that some of the attributes are still shrouded in a veil of mystery. We will update this guide as more details open up.
WitE 2 Unit Tab Details
The Unit Tab in WitE 2 editor can be divided into two separate sections: the individual unit details and the list of all units. The latter is simply a list of all units defined in the scenario. Notice that this doesn’t mean all units show up or are used. In fact, the lists for different scenarios contain units from Western Allies, as well as plenty of Axis and Soviet units that only show up in certain scenarios, or not at all. Some are disabled thanks to research, others are simply left-over from earlier scenarios or games (War in the East and War in the West).
Since the unit list is easier to understand, as it contains less information, we will start by taking a look at what there is to understand here.
Unit List
This is pretty easy to understand. There’s a list of numbers, which are the individual unit IDs, with the unit name displayed next to it. You also have a set of tools/commands, which are self-explanatory, like copy and paste. The three important buttons here:
- Clear – Simply clears the selected ID, removing all unit details.
- Delete – Not only clears the units, but removes the ID completely. Essentially moves all ID’s down one number.
- Disable – Disables the unit, removing it from current scenario. Whe pressing this you will notice that the unit name will turn light blue.
There are two more things that you need to know when browsing the unit list: colours and numbers. When you see a number in angle brackets after the unit’s name written in yellow, this means that this ID location is used to rename the unit ID brackets “<>”.
This also allows you to change some unit details. TOE(OB) denotes the OOB number, found under the OOB tab. in this case, a normal infantry division switches to the light infantry division order of battle/table of equipment. As this is not a HQ unit, the HQ Type needs to be set to Zero. Nor is it a special unit, the details of which we go through later.
On turn denotes the turn after which this change can take place, and Vaild Till denotes the number of turns this change can happen. This is important, as the condition can either be the set turn, TOE (availability of TOE?), destruction of unit, or unit getting the depleted status. The latter is used in later war scenarios, where Axis infantry divisions switch to Volksgrenadier TOE/OOB when they take too many losses.
Now, you know what yellow and light blue mean, but what about other colours?
- Green means that the unit is to arrive as reinforcement at some point.
- Purple denotes a unit in a theater box (but still green if arriving as reinforcement).
- White means that the unit is present on the map.
And that’s it for the unit list. Now let’s see how to edit the actual details.
Setting Unit Details in WitE2 Editor
The above unit is picked from the Vistula to Berlin campaign scenario. Rather than explaining the details, we will explain how to edit them.
On the first line, you have the “Unit:4671 275th Rifle Division“. Clicking on this allows you to change the unit name. Notice that in this case you would be just editing the “275th” part, as the suffix “Rifle Division is taken directly from the unit OOB. Underneath this is the “no tag” text, you can add any tag here, which can be used for various purposes (like events).
This points to the HQ the unit is assigned/subordinate to. Technically, you can add any unit here (like another rifle division), but it’s bound to break the game. Notice that support units are assigned to larger units in the same manner.
- Corps, Guards
These two are only for Soviet units. Corps on a rifle division points to the corps ID that the unit is part of. Likewise, the corps unit points to actual rifle division IDs. Guards is a simple check, where 0 means not a guard unit, and 1 means a guard unit.
- Equipment data
You are free to enter whatever numbers you wish here, but usually they are simply rebuilt from the OOB data. The WID is the ID found on the Ground Element tab.
- Use to Rename
Choose this and you will be taken to a screen to select which unit to rename into this unit. We went through the details of this already.
Table of Equipment / Order of Battle. This is essentially a list of equipment data that the unit follows. These and further details can be found under the TOE(OB) Tab. In this case, the unit uses OOB number 990, which is the 41a Rifle Division OOB.
- Motorization status
In this case, the unit is set to non-motorized (as all infantry should be). Other options include motorized, Temp-motorized (1 turn), and Temp-motorized (multiple turns).
- HQ Type
In this case, we obviously set the unit to note. But in other cases, you need to choose appropriately. Construct is used for the rail construction units like the German FBDs.
- Nation
Specifies unit nationality. There are currently 37 different possibilities. You will get a pop-up menu to choose the specific one. Notice that this determines which manpower pool the unit is using.
- Player
Which side the unit belongs to. 0 for None, 1 for Axis and 2 for Soviet. It’s not clear what the None stands for, or if it should be used.
- Theater Box
Whether the unit can be found on the map or on one of the theatre boxes. These are different for both sides.
- Location
X/Y coordinates of the unit location on the map. Click this to be taken to the map, where you can click on any hex to set it as the current unit location.
- Delay
How many turns since the start of the scenario the unit will be delayed. In this case, 998 turns, which means that the unit is disabled and won’tarrive.
- Arrival
X/Y coordinates on where the unit arrives on the map. If the hex is controlled by the enemy, the unit will arrive in the national arrival hex.
- Special
This determines if the unit holds any special status, such as SS, Luftwaffe or Guards.
- Morale
Morale level of the unit.
- Detection
Unit detection level. This determines if the enemy sees the unit, and to which level of detail.
- Resupply Unit
This allows you to change unit supply details with one click. Remember to first set the supply percentages to a level of your choosing.
- Current TOE
The percentage here display the current equipment level.
- Max ToE
This value can be set between 50 and 100, determining the max toe level at the start of the scenario.
- Rebuild Unit
Works like Resupply unit. Simply set the percentages as you see fit, click the text and the unit will be built according to its TOE and these specifications.
- Withdrawal schedule
Clicking this will take you to a list of all withdrawals in the scenario. Notice that you can also clear all withdrawals here. What matters for the unit are the four values under this. You can specify a maximum of four withdrawals movements.
First, you need to click the turn and enter the turn that the unit withdraws. Then you need to enter the theatre box number, which you can all find by clicking the theatre box found at the top. If you want the unit to disband enter 101 as the destination. If you simply wish to remove a unit, enter 102 as the destination. Notice that the difference between these two is that Remove does not add any equipment or manpower to pool whereas disband does.
- Combat Prep
Combat preparation points the unit starts with.
- Amphibious prep
As above, but amphib points.
- Restrict rebuild
If set to yes, the unit will not rebuild after it has been destroyed.