Editing save games in WitE2 would be next to impossible if it wasn’t for the editor. All you need to do is rename the save file to scenario file and you can open it up in the WitE 2 editor. Do notice that this is not a supported feature, it just happens to work out.
The most important thing to remember is naming the scenario before you save it, as otherwise, it will save over the original scenario name.
To get access to the save file, you should navigate to the save folder. It should be something like:
DRIVE:\Matrix Games\Gary Grigsby’s War in the East 2\Dat\Save\FOLDER NAME
You need to then copy this save file into your scenario folder, and rename it to .scn. The scenario folder is under the same Dat folder as Wite2 saves.
Once this is done you need to start up WitE2, and enter the editor. The file should show up on the list. Simply select it and select load the scenario.
Now you can do the changes you want. Once done remember to save the file, rename it to .sav, and move it back to the saves folder.
Here are a few other things to remember when editing WitE 2 savegames
- Generic data is still generic data. At the moment, the feature to save all data with the scenario is disabled. For example, if you want to change factory data you need to edit the generic data.
- You can switch sides in the editor by pressing “w”.
- You can change hex ownership by selecting the side first, then selecting hex and pressing “u”.
- The new save will start from the air phase.